Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The World is in a time of great challenges. From the gushing oil spill in the Gulf to the growing concern over climate change. It is also however, a time of great opportunities. Opportunities abound for the World to come together and embrace renewable energy and a wide field of new sustainable technology solutions.
These solutions include wind power, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, geo-thermal, seasonal energy storage systems, and many other sustainable systems.
This year in Istanbul, Turkey, The World Wind Energy Association is hosting the World Wind Energy Conference to bring together community advocates, key players, and leaders in the field of wind power and renewables industry.
It is a time for our minds and hearts to meet and integrate our common goals to make this a better and safer and cleaner World, ready to solve the challenges we all face.
We are definitely moving in the right directions when we look toward the community power models that bring all stakeholders to the table, and integrate the best technologies to bring energy to a distributed equity and quality for all people of the globe.
Wind power is one of the best forms of renewable energy, and it lends itself perfectly to the local integration that is necessary around the World where energy availability can mean the difference between poverty and economic equity.
The proliferation of large scale wind operations around the World shows that resources and economic intent is inline with this sustainable technology. The only component that still needs to be detailed is the worldwide development of standardized models that make smaller scale community power available to all corners of the globe.
As was done in Denmark and Germany, the true community power model put the large scale turbine in the hands of the individual farmer. All that was necessary was a cooperative banking structure that understood and supported the technology and the economics, and access to the technology and know-how.
Today we have all the pieces of the puzzle on the table, and the patterns are emerging in great clarity.. Pieces are falling into place with ease, and the hands that can, are more and more willing to move the remaining pieces into place. The time is ripe for the integration of all these options to bring wind power into the new wind renaissance, where it becomes one of the true backbones of distributed energy around the World..
Wind power is clean, beautiful, and ideal for our new post-industrial technological era that we can clearly see on our civilizations horizon. I can not think of a better solution for the time being, and this is one that will definitely serve us well for hundreds if not thousands of years to come.
Now, for this transition period with its great challenges let us pray for the World, and for our humanity that we may find the strength and unity to bring all conflicts to their ends, and begin an era of peace, prosperity, and global co-operation with which will heal our past and celebrate our future.